The player plays as a member of this team named "Frost", who is a member of Metal team and is with them the entire American Campaign. As a result, its customer satisfaction is recognized with Frost.

Metal team is a elite Tier 1 team consisting of member from the ranks of E-6 to E-8. takes the customers voice very seriously and performs above and beyond the call of duty. Known Delta Operators Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

The Garmont T8 NFS is a lightweight tactical military work boot that is highly suitable for multi-terrain environments like the ones you’ll encounter during Ranger School. While Army Green Beret training is extraordinarily demanding, the overall consensus is that Navy SEAL training is the most challenging of any elite ops group in the U.S. MCRC FROST CALL 022-20 DATED 10 FEBRUARY 2020 From: Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command Subj: FISCAL YEARS 2020-21 POST-BAR EXAMINATION AND PRE-THE BASIC SCHOOL INTERNSHIP INITIATIVES AND REQUESTS FOR ORDERS TO THE BASIC SCHOOLS Ref: (a) MCRCO 1131. In name, it is a company-sized reconnaissance unit of the US Army Special Forces. Members of Alpha Team (2007-2011) The Group for Specialized Tactics, also known as the Ghosts, is an elite Special Mission Unit within the US Army and JSOC and is located at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.